Kamis, 20 Desember 2012

Pre Charged Pneumatic Rifle

Ini adalah jenis senapan angin PCP (pre charged pneumatic), buatan lokal , so far belum pernah digunakan untuk berburu.
Berdasarkan review teman sih cukup akurat sampai 50 meter
Kata om Tom gaylord/BB Pelletier :
Precharged pneumatic (PCP) airguns represent one of the oldest airgun powerplants of all time. They have been around since at least the early 1600s and most likely a bit longer. In the 1780s, the Austrians fielded over 500 riflemen, each armed with a breechloading .47 caliber 21-shot repeating air rifle and the capability to fire at least 42 shots before returning to the rear for more air. This was at a time when repeating firearms were just a glimmer on the technological horizon, and few armies used rifles in any quantity--most used smoothbore muskets.

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